
Konferencijų ir kitų renginių medžiaga

  1. Ugdymo sodas


  1. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies
  2. Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia
  3. Annals of the American Association of Geographers
  4. Antipode
  5. Area
  6. Athena: filosofijos studijos
  7. Australian Geographer
  8. Būdas
  9. Canadian Geographic
  10. Children’s Geographies
  11. Colloquia
  12. Commission on Geographical Education / IGU
  13. Creativity studies
  14. Cultural Geographies
  15. Didáctica Geográfica
  16. Didaktik der Geographie
  17. Education and Culture
  18. Éducation et didactique
  19. European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography.
  20. European Journal of Geography
  21. Filosofija. Sociologija
  22. GA Magazine
  23. Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijos leidiniai
  24. Geo Crítica
  25. Geo: Geography and Environment
  26. Geoforum
  27. Geografia w Szkole
  28. Geografija ir edukacija: mokslo almanachas
  29. Geografijos metraštis
  30. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography.
  31. GeograpH
  32. Geographica Helvetica
  33. Geographical Analysis
  34. Geographical Education
  35. Geographical Research
  36. Geographie heute
  37. Geographie und ihre Didaktik
  38. Geographiedidaktische Forschungen
  39. Geography
  40. Geography Compass
  41. Geography, Environmental, Sustainnability
  42. GeoHumanities
  43. Geologija. Geografija
  44. Geologijos akiračiai
  45. Historiens & Géographes
  46. Humanitatis
  47. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
  48. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education
  49. International Review of Education
  50. Journal Edu Geography
  51. Journal for Theoretical Cartography
  52. Journal of Cultural Geography
  53. Journal of Geography
  54. Journal of Geography Education / Zeitschrift für Geographiedidaktik
  55. Journal of Geography in Higher Education
  56. Journal of Historical Geography
  57. Journal of Location Based Services
  58. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism
  59. J-Reading – Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography
  60. Kauno technologijos universiteto žurnalai
  61. Klaipėdos universiteo žurnalai
  62. KN-Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information
  63. Lietuvos Mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka
  64. Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademijos
  65. lnternational Journal of Geography and Geography Education
  66. Logos
  67. Metacognition and Learning
  68. Mykolo Romerio universiteto žurnalai
  69. Nordidactica – Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education
  70. Journal Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography
  71. Pedagogika
  72. Philosophy & Geography
  73. Political Geography
  74. Praxis Geographie
  75. Primary Geography
  76. Problemos
  77. Progress in Human Geography
  78. Progress in Physical Geography
  79. Research in Geographic Education
  80. Review of International Geographical Education Online
  81. Romanian Review of Geographical Education
  82. Russian Education & Society journal
  83. SAGE journals
  84. Santalka
  85. Schweizer Zeitschriften online
  86. Scientific American
  87. Scottish Geographical Journal
  88. Semiotika
  89. Šiaulių universiteo mokslo žurnalai
  90. Social and Cultural Geography
  91. Social Geography (SG) (Archive)
  92. South African Geographical Journal
  93. Teacher Development
  94. Teaching Geography
  95. Technology, Knowledge and Learning
  96. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  97. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien
  98. The Curriculum Journal
  99. The Geographical Journal
  100. The Geographical Magazine / Geographical
  101. The Geography Teacher
  102. The Professional Geographer
  103. Tourism Geographies
  104. Transactions
  105. Ukrainian Geographical Journal
  106. Urban Geography
  107. Vilniaus dailės akademijos žurnalai
  108. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto žurnalai
  109. Vilniaus universiteto žurnalai
  110. Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto žurnalai
  111. Вестник Московского университета. География
  112. География
  113. География в школе
  114. Известия Российской академии наук. Серия географическая
  115. Региональные исследования


  1. @eitis, elektroniniai mokslo sklaidos vartai
  2. American Association of Geographers
  3. American Geographical Society
  4. Arts & Letters Daily
  5. Asociación Española de Geografía
  6. Association des Professeurs d’Histoire et de Géographie
  7. Australian Geography Teachers Association
  8. Center for Geography Education in Oregon
  9. Center for Global Geography Education
  10. Center for Global Geography Education
  11. Centre for Studies in Geography
  12. Commission on Geographical Education / IGU
  13. Current Geographical Publications
  14. Geografijos edukacijos studijų centras
  15. Geographical Association
  16. Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria
  17. EUGEO
  18. EuroGeographics
  19. Georg Eckert Institut
  20. HERODO
  21. Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre
  22. In deposito
  23. Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society
  24. Komisji Edukacji Geograficznej Polskiego
  25. Lietuvos geografijos mokytojų asociacija
  26. Lietuvos geografų draugija
  27. Lietuvos mokinių neformaliojo švietimo centras
  28. Lietuvos mokslo periodikos asociacija
  29. Lietuvos Mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka
  30. Lituanistų sambūris
  31. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Geography
  32. Matematika kaip kultūros reiškinys
  33. Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra
  34. National Center for Research in Geography Education
  35. National Council for Geographic Education
  36. National Council for Geographic Education
  37. New Left Review
  38. OESD
  39. Springer Geography
  40. Taylor & Francis Online
  41. The Commission on Geographical Education
  42. The International Geographical Union
  43. The Deleware Center for Geographic Education
  44. Школа юного географа